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The Middle Aged Spectator makes a road trip

I recently had the opportunity to take a road trip, visiting family and friends along the way. All up I was away from home for 11 nights, and covered more than 4000km in the car. Plenty of music, plenty of podcasts, and plenty of time to think. The main purpose of the trip when I set out was to catch up and spend a little time with family (and extended family) members, and a few friends. As far as that goes, mission accomplished. I missed one friend along the way as the timing didn’t work out. But on retrospect, this trip covered a few more profound moments, apart from the pleasure of meeting and eating and drinking with loved ones.  I was in Ballarat just before All Souls Day and Dia de los Muertos, which both fall on 2nd of November. In the Catholic tradition of All Souls Day, deceased family members are remembered and prayers are said for them. Unless, that is,  they have been officially declared “saints” in which case their day is 1st November, All Saints Day. T...
Recent posts

The Middle Aged Spectator considers the "Sheesus!" controversy

On 2nd June 2019, Brisbane’s Sunday Mail splashed this on the front page as their lead story: Sunday Mail, 2-6-2019 What followed was a breathless take by the journalist about “elite schools” changing the wording of prayers to promote a gender-neutral concept of God. Apparently this is the work of the PC-crazy leftists in our schools! I have a few thoughts about this, but first a disclaimer. I consider myself a “poor Catholic”. I attended state schools for my primary education, and then a Catholic boys’ secondary school. My initial teacher-training was taken at a Catholic institution, and I worked in Catholic schools from 1978 to 2016. I have studied theology, sacramental theology and moral theology. I state this not to claim authority, but to simply give background to my opinion. I have a feeling that the lead article, the editorial (on p.62), and many of the more than 200 comments online, are nothing more than confected outrage. There are a number of reasons f...

The Middle-Aged spectator considers the state of Horse Racing

I have followed horse racing since I was a little kid. I inherited the love of the sport from my father, who like me was a (generally) unlucky small punter, who just liked the atmosphere of the races and the excitement achieved when your knowledge and understanding of the form resulted in a winning bet. I remember being taken to the races at Bendigo and Ballarat years before I was old enough to bet. At Dad’s funeral I learned that my cousins, all a few years older than me, had also learned to love the horses and a bet from him. As with most people who try to follow racing somewhat seriously, I have steeped myself in reading histories, watching old films and videos, collecting various memorabilia, and studying the complexities of it all. If you want me to, I can bore you silly for an hour or more with a discussion of the class system as it used in Australian racing, and how it doesn’t always appear to be what it seems at the surface. Anyway. As with any sport, it’s easy...

The Middle-Aged Spectator wonders what to do with a record collection

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The Middle Aged Spectator considers the AFL's proposed rule changes

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The Middle Aged Spectator considers the Liberal Party’s Leadership Spill

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The Middle Aged Spectator goes to the Commonwealth Games

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